Flexible cost effective Digital Histology reporting.

Welcome to Digital Pathology Partners

With the NHS having an estimated 15% of Histopathologist roles vacant, Digital Pathology Partners provides a new cost effective approach to reporting histology cases. 

Through our network of highly experienced histopathologists, we can offer a bespoke and very flexible approach to provide you with additional reporting capacity. 

Whilst the service is tailored to your needs, the typical relationship is described below:


Step 1.

We discuss your reporting requirements in terms of the volumes of cases, the sub-specialties, whether the requirement is likely to be recurring or temporary (to cover illness/ leave, or whilst you recruit a permanent consultant), and whether you have digital scanning capability.

Step 2.

We identify consultant(s) who we believe would be a good fit for your needs, and agree which you would like to try working with.

Step 3.

The consultant(s) spend 3-5 days working in your department, undertaking some reporting and developing relationships in your department.


Step 4.

If you wish to continue working with the consultant, you provide them with an honorary contract, and with remote access to your IT system.  This means that they are subject to all of your policies, and will be covered by CNST.

Step 5.

Cases are sent to the consultant, either digitally or we will arrange for courier transport.  There are no minimum volumes, simply send cases as and when you need the reporting capacity.  The consultant will report the cases from home (and return the slides, if not sent digitally).

Step 6.

We will contact you regularly to ensure the service continues to meet your requirements.  The consultant(s) will spend 2-3 days working physically in the department every c6 months to ensure that they maintain relationships, and can continue to be an effective member of the team.

Let’s discuss how we can meet your requirements.

logist report